“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine…” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
Well, that time has come! Without question, we are a culture that will no longer put up with sound doctrine. Oh, what a different gospel is being preached today as compared to the true gospel message that we find in scripture as it was told by Jesus Himself. Have you ever considered how one message could go from a “hard teaching that essentially no one could accept”, to a message so easy to accept that it is almost impossible to reject? Well, it can’t! Have you ever considered that maybe, just possibly, your church is part of this great deception that scripture warns of? I am here to say that that deception sweeps this land. Which is more unlikely: that there could be a predominant false teaching within the church across this country today, or that scripture is in error? Well, if you believe that scripture is not in error, then you must believe in the reality that there will be false teaching within the church leading many believers away from the Truth. (2 Peter 2:1-2) The overwhelming response to my claim in that that is indeed the case today (that Satan’s deception currently fills the church in America) is that Christians tell me that I’m the crazy one. But to deny that claim, would be to deny scripture… or is some 2000 years past Christ’s physical life on earth not “later times”? (1 Tim. 4:1-3) Have you ever considered the fact that the Apostle Paul couldn’t leave the church for even a few months without the teachers within that church “getting it wrong” (Gal. 3:1-6), yet here we are assuming that after a couple of 1000 years, we are just “nailing it”!? Humility does not beget ignorance, but arrogance most certainly will.
I find it fascinating as I listen to pastors reference the fact that there is plenty of deception going on today in other churches, yet somehow they are completely in denial about the fact that the same deception exists in theirs. It is interesting because I hear the same salvation message being preached in all churches these days. A promised “salvation” based on lies! I get the same question when I deliver this message, “In every church, Brian? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?” Interestingly, didn’t essentially everything Jesus say get rejected by the Jews for sounding “crazy”? I know it sounds crazy, but what I am suggesting fits with scripture whereas a position that false teaching doesn’t exist does not! And regarding the prevalence, no, I have not been to every church across America, but I do not need to in order to make my point. What I am suggesting is that the entire focus of the church has become about “salvation” rather than about doing the will of God, there is a huge difference. One exudes selfishness, one humility. Satan says that we can obtain salvation by something that we say or do, God says that we receive salvation as a result of giving Him our lives and serving His will. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: The fact that salvation is by God’s grace does not negate the conditions that He requires, it just means that He gets the glory! My point is simply that we have become a people who seek salvation rather than being a people who earnestly seek God, and our pastors are giving us what our heart’s desire… we want the gift without the cost, and that’s what pastors “promise” us today! The church focus has become completely about selling salvation rather than in delivering the Truth and allowing God’s Spirit to lead His children to repentance. That is exactly why I say in a general sense that the church has become the source of a false teaching.
Look, if you believe in a salvation message that contradicts the Truth in God’s Word, then you believe in a salvation message conceived by the enemy. (2 Thess. 2:9-12) The person delivering that message isn’t going to wear a red cape and don horns, that’s not deception. Deception is Satan masquerading as an angel of light. (2 Cor. 11:12-15) I’m sorry to say, but it is our pastors that serve as the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes, they are deceived, not aware of their false teaching; but that does not make them innocent! (John 9:41) Nor will believing their deception make you innocent. (John 15:22) Jesus gave us His Word, and He knows whose word you’ve accepted.
You cannot set aside scripture, and scripture repeatedly reveals that this false teaching will exist. So why is it so crazy for me to say that the Lord gave me this message to deliver if the message that I am delivering is consistent with His Word? It would be one thing for someone to suggest that they have been given a message from God if that message contradicted scripture, kind of like the salvation message I hear in the church today. “Now if you’ll just accept Christ as your Savior, then you are a Christian and then you live with God’s Spirit and you are a child of God”, they say. Huh… smell something? (2 Peter 2:17-21) Goodness, I guess these pastors believe that Jesus misspoke here… (Matt. 7:21, Luke 13:3, Matt. 10:37-39, Luke 9:23-24, John 8:31-32, John 14:21) Doing the will of God, genuine repentance, a fully surrendered heart to the Lord, keeping His Word (obedience), these are just a few Truths that this false teaching rejects, denies, ignores, doesn’t “believe in” or whatever else… I guess you will have to ask your pastor why he is lying? Another interesting fact is that pastors do not deny that there are many Christians that are false believers today, but they simply take no responsibility for their teaching playing any part in producing those false believers. The truth is, accepting Satan’s deception is exactly what produces those false believers; and this false grace, false “jesus”, “easy-believism” false teaching being preached today is one hundred percent to blame!
What does teaching that everyone gets a trophy produce? Entitlement! Just look at the evidence of that reality in America today. Well, what does a message of “easy-believism” produce? Entitled “Christians”… “Christians” without Christ believing that they have their ticket to heaven! A body of entitled “believers”, that is what this false teaching has produced. And what does that do, it causes the Lord’s Name to be blasphemed due to the hypocrisy of these false believers who label themselves as “Christians”. How easy is it to accept this wide path currently being delivered by the church? “Salvation” is now being prescribed for anyone who simply believes in God, rather than being reserved only for those who believe God. Detestable! One thing is for sure, this godless culture that we live in today will no longer put up with sound doctrine!
So, what do you believe? God gave us His Word; man gave us our religion. The difference between God’s Word and what you hear in church service is the difference between Truth and deception. If you do not know His Word; you cannot smell deception! A people who no longer have time to earnestly seek the Truth in His Word will be a people who easily fall prey to the enemy’s deception. And here we are, trusting in the myths of man, ignorant of God’s Word. So, what happened to sound doctrine? God’s Word foretold that Satan would have it removed from the church… God is faithful to His Word and He does not lie!
Do you believe God? Do you believe in the words Jesus spoke? Do you know the words Jesus spoke? Seek the Truth in His Word. If you desire to be free, you must give Him your life, you must give Him all your heart. Salvation is turning from sin and darkness and walking in His Light. Do you hear His voice? Is He calling you? Allow Him to lead you to what you must do. (John 4:15-16) He will lead you to forgiveness, repentance, and surrender, but He cannot do any of these for you. Do you want forgiveness? You must forgive others and show mercy to those who wrong you. (Matt. 6:15) You want to receive His Spirit and experience true freedom? You must repent and fully surrender your heart to the Lord! (Matt. 4:17, Matt. 16:24-25) You cannot be reconciled to God and receive His Spirit without letting everything of self go and giving your life over to Christ. His Truth reveals that there is far more than lip-service and carrying out meaningless traditions created by man in order to be welcomed into the kingdom of God. Do not buy the lie, you will have an eternity to regret it! Fear the Lord!
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Pointing out that “believing in God” and “believing God” are entirely different acts. That really stood out to me in this blog which I had never thought of before……Also, in the final segment, the specific steps we MUST take to do God’s will–forgiveness, repentance, and surrender–were listed and were very meaningful and understandable. Of course, the real challenge for us to remember is that “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
Thank you for your comments and feedback! Yes, that is right… “wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”